Basketballs on a black painting

“Either you run the day, or the day runs you.” –Jim Rohn

Good afternoon, Comets! It’s been another busy week here in Alexander, so let’s dive right in and catch up on all the latest happenings!

First, a big thank you to everyone who has contributed to our canned food drive. Your generosity has been truly amazing! Because of the overwhelming response from the community, we actually have some leftover cans available for those who may still want to participate. If you’d like to donate or need some, please come by and pick up an application. Let’s keep up the great work and make sure no one goes without this winter.

Now, let’s talk about sports and activities! This week has been action-packed for our Comet athletes. On Monday, the boys’ basketball team faced off against South Heart, and on Tuesday, the girls’ team took on Powers Lake. Tonight, the girls’ basketball team will be up against Williston Trinity Christian, and tomorrow, the boys’ team will be playing Powers Lake. These games are a great opportunity to show your Comet pride, so come out and cheer on our talented athletes! The energy in the gym has been incredible, and we know our teams would love to see even more support.

On the activities front, our Speech team is gearing up for their first meet of the season this Saturday. Best of luck to all the participants as they prepare to showcase their public speaking and performance skills! Additionally, the FTC team is continuing to work hard and improve on their way to the State Competition on the 15th.

As for the weather, it seems like the temperatures are starting to warm up a bit, but don’t be fooled—it’s still chilly out there! Winter gear like jackets, hats, and gloves are still a must. If you’re in need of any, don’t hesitate to reach out to the office. We’re here to help ensure everyone stays warm and comfortable.

That wraps up our update for the week! Wishing all of our Comets a fantastic and well-deserved weekend. Keep up the great work in everything you do, and we’ll see you out there at the games, meets, and activities. Stay positive, stay proud, and as always, go Comets!

(Painting by Payge Johnson- a fun look at a sport we're all focusing on these days!)

(Article by Teija Hokenson)